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“Know, first, who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly.”

Over the past 5 years I have learned that no man or woman is an island. To grow and flourish, we need others! Sometimes we can’t see ourselves beyond the negative reels that keep playing in our heads. We need love, strategy, and support to get to our next level. That’s where the coaching comes in. Together we will identify strengths and weaknesses, overcome obstacles (internal and external), and apply biblical principles practically to your life.

Gain confidence in who you are outside of your experiences and positions

It’s time to embrace yourself, Queen. It’s time to put on your crown! Love is not like. It’s ok to have things you want to change about yourself, things to improve. But loving the person God created you to be is paramount. For every “flaw” there is a “gem” that helps to produce the beautiful light God placed inside of you. Strive to love who you were, who you are, and who you are becoming.


If the Creator of the world says you are worth it, it’s time to square your shoulders, raise your head, and believe it. Once you have a handle on who you are, you will reign victoriously. And I am here to cheer you on along the way. Whether through group teachings, one on one coaching sessions, or retreats & conferences,


One on One Coaching

These coaching sessions will provide a personal space to unpack things holding you back, grow in your relationship with God, and develop godly strategies that will improve in all areas of your life.

Image by Samuel Pereira

Retreats & Conferences

Stay tuned

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Covered & Crowned Group Coaching

We will work through what it means to be a daughter and how to walk in that grace and authority together. By being in a group, it will foster a spirit of togetherness, offer accountability, and provide a safe place to develop godly friendships and social network.

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